1 min readFeb 14, 2021


Great points about a big and intimidating set of topics. And if I could add an interesting point about "growth" and what it really means: if we take our present target annual rate of growth, around 3.5%, and project it out for a single human lifetime, we will require consumption of 16 times the natural resources that we use today. For example, we will progress from using 100 million barrels of oil each and every day to 1.6 billion barrels -- more than is found is many major deposits -- clearly unachievable and disastrous, long before we get to that point. Yes, technology will help and perhaps we can harvest sunlight, the earth's core or hydrogen -- but what about food? What about water? Economic growth makes demands on us that we often just disregard. So in this spirit of asking, "What the hell do we think we are doing?" I suggest we take a step back from the assumption that all growth is good, and try to find a way to *reduce* growth while increasing health, prosperity and security for everyone. A big challenge but the alternatives are pretty dire.




Silicon Valley local. Content creator in computer software: SaaS, Internet, media and mobile.